Welcome to Vendor Self Service

Log in or register as a user to begin using Vendor Self Service

Vendor Self Service allows vendors to view Purchase Orders, Contracts, 1099 forms, Invoices, and Checks. Vendors can also maintain their contact and remittance information as well as discount and payment terms, contact persons, and a listing of commodity codes that represent the goods and services they offer. Solicitations (Bids) will no longer be posted in Munis. Vendors will be able to respond to Greenville County’s solicitation (Bids) requests at the following website –  Online Procurement Portal 

Please review the Registration Guide prior to completing the registration process. This guide, as well as Terms and Conditions and other helpful documents, may be found in the “Resources” section in the upper right corner of this page. 

To register:

  • CURRENT VENDORS need their Vendor ID # (a four digit number that appears on Greenville County checks and purchase orders) and their Federal ID # (typically the Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number). If vendors need their four digit number, they can call the Procurement Services office at 864-467-7200. Federal ID numbers or Social Security Numbers on file will not be given out.
  • NEW VENDORS should follow Steps 1 through 5 in the Registration Guide to complete the registration process.

Greenville County Staff will review the submitted information (including the submission of a valid W-9). Once the information has been validated, the Vendor will be added to the list of approved County vendors.